Affiliate Partner FAQs
Learn more about why so many top producers send My Credit Guy their clients who need credit help.
How can I send a client over to you?
We have a couple different options for you to submit a client to us for a free review. Depending on your comfort level and company policies, you can either email a client over to us at or simply submit a file through our secure upload by clicking the Affiliate Portal Login Button at the top right of our website.
I already use What-if Simulator and/or do my own rapid rescores, what can Kredit MD do that is any different?
While those resources are excellent solutions for the more basic credit score increase needs, many times more significant work is needed above and beyond what those methods can provide. After conducting a free review on each file you send to us, we will be able to tell you if a rapid rescore is in order and our credit restoration services are not necessary or if the client would benefit from enrolling in our program. No matter what, the decision on how to proceed will be up to you and the client.
I have been burned by other credit repair companies in the past that I have sent files to and never heard back. Can I expect that same result from Kredit MD?
Absolutely not! Our number one priority is to get our clients back to the closing table with our referral partners as quickly as possible. We do not consider a file complete until our referral partner has confirmed the closing. We are built from the ground up to accommodate the lending and real estate process, and the Kredit MD team has years of experience in these industries.
How fast can I expect a client back once they enroll with Kredit MD?
While we have experience result in as quickly as 45 days, most clients are finished within 120-180 days. The maximum duration we would typically work on a client’s file would be in the 12 month range. We always do a free review before enrolling each client, so everyone is on the same page but we legally cannot guarantee turn-around times. We would rather be completely honest with you and your client and not get the business, than get the business by overpromising then not delivering.
Have you worked with other lenders in the past?
Absolutely. We have countless success stories with other lenders. You can check out our testimonials page or our Facebook page and Google to see numerous testimonials and endorsements.
Do you provide credit education for loan officers, realtors, and/or consumers?
Definitely. Credit education is our passion! We do lunch-and-learns, seminars, webinars, and meetings for our referral partners and their potential clients. If you would like to schedule a session, let us know!
I stopped working with credit repair companies because they just leave a bunch of dispute verbiage on the report and I can’t close the loan anyway. Will I run into this issue with Kredit MD?
Not at all. This is a circumstance the Kredit MD team is well aware of and we make absolutely sure you will not only have the scores needed before sending the client back to you, but also that all dispute verbiage has been removed. Make sure to let Kredit MD know of any other lender overlays that need to be accommodated during the process, so it is a very smooth transition back to the closing table. Transparency is the priority when it comes to our credit repair service.
Will you provide resources to assist our clients, as well as our fellow referral partners?
Of course, our website is full of free content. We actually have a
Facebook Group dedicated soley to Real Estate professionals.
Do you charge any upfront fees? I heard that is illegal.
IT IS 100% ILLEGAL!!!! That is why we do not charge anything until we have complete what is known as the First Work Fee Service. We perform our initial in-depth audit of your clients credit files and prepare their first round of letters all before they ever pay a single dime. The moment they pay, the first round of letters is sent...NO LAG TIME at all...EVER!
Are you a member of the BBB?
We don't participate with the BBB. We find that the results and ratings do not necessarily represent the how the business truly operates. In short...BBB ratings should not be used to dictate whether you will do business with a particular company or not. Don't believe us...check out some of the most well known and respected brands in the world rate on the BBB.
Look at the BBB accreditation, customer rating and BBB rating for each company.
Kredit MD performs one or more of the following services (known as "First Work") before you pay: Enters your personal data and one or more credit reports into its secure database; Provides you with a login to access the Kredit MD customer portal and grants access to financial tools; Collects information and instructions from you regarding your particular circumstances and how you wish to proceed; Analyzes your situation; and prepares and sends one or more communications on your behalf.
Subsequently, Kredit MD typically performs one or more of the following ongoing and periodic services as appropriate in its judgments and discretion: Receives and reviews Bureau and Furnisher correspondence sent to us directly by you; Monitors and analyzes your credit account status; Provides you with updates regarding your status; and prepares and sends one or more additional communications on your behalf.
FICO and "The score lenders use" are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Fair Issac Corporation in the United States and other countries.
© 2020, by Xennial Investments LLC All Rights Reserved.
J. Woodfin, Registered Agent, Xennial Investments LLC Dba Kredit MD 3410 La Sierra Ave Ste. F474 Riverside, CA 92503
Kredit MD (a subsidiary of Xennial Investments LLC)